Root Canal Therapy
Root Canal Therapy
When decay reaches the nerve chamber of your tooth, the infection spreads down the roots of the tooth and into the bone below. As the infection spreads to the nerve chamber, your tooth can become increasingly sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. As the infection extends to the bone under your tooth, pain from pressure when eating and swelling can also occur.
If your tooth is infected, it needs treatment either by root canal therapy or extraction. Root canal therapy consists of cleaning out the nerve chamber to remove the infection. Your dentist will then seal your tooth to restore its function and look.
You may need a larger restoration, like a crown, after having a root canal. This is to restore its structure and strength.
At Beaches Dental Mona Vale, we have a root canal specific microscope, apex locators and rotary endodontic systems. This means we can help you be as comfortable as possible throughout your root canal treatment.